It saddens me that people discourage others from attending a Historically Black College because they have heard that they are “party schools” and other negative rumors that bash what people have worked so hard to build up. Some of the same doctors and lawyers that could have chosen to teach at a PWI make the decision to educate students at HBCUs instead. Some of the top leaders and role models in this world graduated from a HBCU and went on to greatness! As with any college and university across the country… your school is what YOU make it. You could attend Yale or Harvard and flunk out the first year because all you chose to do is party and hang around a crowd that was not focused on getting ahead or achievement. I’ve seen some of my counterparts attend PWIs and bring home terrible grades or complain about the atmosphere at their school and how they feel like they are “just a number”. I think it is a matter of choosing the school that you wish to attend WISELY. If you find it hard to focus in larger settings, then obviously a school with 30,000 students probably isn't best suited for you. You have the power to make your school a match for you and your needs and if you don't like something work to be a CHANGE, after all you are paying tuition there!
I think it’s also based on what type of life you lived prior to college. If you grew up around ALL black people throughout elementary, middle and high school then maybe going to a PWI was a good match because you wanted a change. Me for example, I grew up around a good mix of diversity prior to college but never had too many black friends so I wanted to attend a HBCU to get a different experience. Still with attending a HBCU I experienced the most diversity EVER – I went to college with all types of black people from all around the world with a range of backgrounds, experiences and those that shared my goals & aspirations and wanted to make a difference in OUR communities. I wouldn't change my HBCU experience for the world because it taught me that there are no 2 black people that are the same in this world. Everyone I met had their own story to share and my school is a worldwide 2nd family to me. I can also say that I am DEFINITELY prepared to compete with any of my counterparts in this world because I did what I had to to learn while I was in college; as did most of my colleagues.
With that said… I think that everyone should let people make their OWN decisions when deciding on a college or university to attend. I have heard all kinds of opinions but ultimately everyone has to make their school the best for THEM. I will always support HBCU’s because they give those who may not have always had a chance the chance to achieve higher things in life. Oh yeah & shout out to my Alma Mater… can I get an AGGIE PRIDE!!!
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