Today is a perfect crisp (almost) fall day with a nice breeze and some sunshine. Feels like football season to me!! In light of tonight being the official kickoff of the football season, I’ve decided to do a little convincing to women that they should give sports a chance. I know it’s hard to sit there and watch your man and his friends watch endless hours of football, basketball, boxing, soccer, whatever… but it’s necessary! The same way we can step foot in a mall and visit EVERY SINGLE store and try on countless amounts of clothing and shoes and feel completely satisfied with our day equates to how men feel about sports. I know sometimes we feel we come 2nd priority to sports and spend hours during the sports seasons feeling pretty neglected by our men, but try looking at it a little different and giving it a try.
In my opinion sports doesn’t interest many women because it wasn’t pushed on us as a child, no one was constantly there putting a football or basketball in our hands and pushing us to have an aggressive nature. Whereas, to men this is 2ndnature… it’s a natural part of their being. I grew up watching my little brother play all types of sports, in particular football… so I’m a little biased with my love for them. However, there are actually a few perks to watching sports if you’re not “into” the games like that. I mean who doesn’t like the game atmosphere or seeing sexy sweaty men running around in tight pants tackling each other? LOL.
No but really, sports actually aren’t all that bad. There’s a lot to learn but once you get the hang of the basics and keep up with the games it’s actually a great feeling to know that you understand what you’re watching, like learning a new subject. It gives you a chance to become familiar with something new you might have never thought about getting into. Guys are impressed with a girl who might not necessarily UNDERSTAND what they are watching, but are at least willing to try for their man. If he’s willing to stand around with you for hours holding your bags while you shop; it would be a pretty nice gesture for you to at least try to watch/learn a game or two with him. If you’re into cooking, make some nice snacks and get some beer or his favorite drink for the game and surprise him by actually trying to understand what you’re watching. It’s also pretty cool if you two aren’t into the same team so there’s a little rivalry. It’s all in fun and any good man would appreciate his woman trying to be into something he loves. Plus, by watching some games with him, you get to get some quality time in together, which is what you really want anyway. A little goes a long way! HAIL REDSKINS!! :) *RIP #21*
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