Action: The state or process of acting
or doing; Reaction: A reverse or opposing action.
When you wake up in the morning, a series of actions take place in a certain order. Day in and day out, the actions of your morning can change from one spectrum to the other depending on certain circumstances.
Scenario I: It’s possible that this morning went smoothly: you woke up early, put the perfect outfit together, ate a good breakfast, got in your car, there was a full tank of gas, found $20 in your pocket that you forgot was there, made it to work early and work was stress free; your boss even gave you a compliment on how well you’ve been working lately. Perfect day right?
-- OR --
Scenario II: On the other side you could have forgotten to set your alarm, woke up 2 hours late for work, get in the shower there’s no hot water, you get in the car and it’s on E, you check your bank account and you have a total of $5.74 in your account. Trying to hurry and make it to the office, you hit every red light you possibly could, then finally get to your office to find there’s a ton of work to do AND your boss is mad you were late. Fail.
In both of these instances you could REACT one way or another. In scenario number one, because of all of the positive things that happened to you, you could be in the best mood ever. Or maybe not. There are those that choose to wallow in their own sorrow no matter how great their day is going. In situation number two you could be having a great day as well because you are CHOOSING to not let the negative bring you down.
In my opinion, it’s all about your actions and REactions to situations you are placed in. You have the ultimate power to control how you react when something happens. & though it sounds difficult, at the end of the day – if you remain calm and at peace, nothing will take you out of that element. There are plenty of times when people get upset about things and act as though everything in the world just stopped. Almost anything can be replaced, time cannot. It is constantly moving and any minute wasted with negative energy is a minute too many. Today is one day in the chapter of your book. Tomorrow, you will turn the page and begin again. Do not give anyone that power over you today, or any day for that matter; especially because you do not have control over anything. You can only do your part and let God take it from there.
Remember: Things can ALWAYS be worse. xox ♥
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